Saturday, April 30, 2011
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Bullying can be verbal, physical, and emotional. There are different reasons why someone chooses to practice such hatred. They range from family issues, to wanting to fit in at school, or just to have power. Unfortunately, these actions cause someone else to have psychological problems or even consider suicide.
Bullying someone physically causes them pain even though they may try their best to hide their suffereing. Often, the most painful bullying occurs when large groups form: bullies, followers, supporters, onlookers, those who want to defend the person but do not want to get involved. Eventually, someone must stop the fight. Yet, there is also emotional bullying; when someone criticizes another for the way they look or who they are. Emotionally bullied
Friday, April 29, 2011
Hopes, Dreams, Honor
The atmosphere at Pomona High School is changing. Pomona High School has evolved over time becoming a safer, more college-bound atmosphere and thriving towards success. According to a recent post on Pomona High School website, written by Monica Rodriguez, Pomona High School recently became a certified AVID Demonstration School. AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a program preparing students to go to college and have great global success. The certification AVID Demo is only awarded to 110 Schools out of the 4,500 AVID Schools in the country. So what does this mean? Pomona High serves as model for schools attempting to start or improve the AVID program. Granger Ward, the executive Vice President of the AVID center, made a note of several things including the school’s strong college-ready culture; visionary leadership at every level; high parent participation; and tutors who have ties to the school and community. While interviewing Pomona High School ’s Principal Roger Fasting, he was asked about the AVID program and he said it was “awesome.” Mr. Fasting believes that the high expectation and rigorous academics push students for success. He feels that the AVID program has triggered other amazing programs to follow similar rigorous structure in learning like Medical Academy, Engineering Academy, and Band. Statistics show that PHS graduating rates are rapidly increasing and that more and more students are taking and passing AP exams. So how does that show that our culture is changing? In my interview with PHS Cindy Lopez (AP/CP student) she stated, “Our school is improving, before AP classes had 15 students or less and now there are a lot of people (a class of at least 22)”. Cindy believes that PHS students get informed more on college through announcements, posters, and teachers. She told me that she also sees a social change. Cindy stated, “I was scared when I came here.” She believed the stereotypes about it being a bad school but she soon noticed it was a fun, safe school. We need to extend more positive energy down to our CP classes and have this school be known for what it really is. CP classes are improving but there needs to be an equilibrium making our school stronger. The rigor should be enforced more on the CP classes so that we can improve as a whole. When it comes down to the facts, Pomona High School is changing both academically and socially. So do not believe what you hear and come take a look at our amazing school!
Giselle Nuñez
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Drugs:Obstacles to Our Education
Drugs are increasing affecting students’ lives. Drugs have no place anywhere in society, and they are especially damaging in academic environments during teens’ formative years. The teen drug and alcohol user’s academic performance is severely impaired, along with his or her level of responsibility. For example, they skip class, fail to complete assignments and lose interest in school.
Drug and alcohol use is rampant throughout American middle and high schools. Drug use is associated with a variety of negative consequences, including increased risk of serious drug use later in life and school failure. Some say that drugs are not part of a teenager’s life but in reality, teenage drug abuse has reached epidemic proportions on some high school facilities. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry say the average age of first marijuana use is 14, and alcohol use starts before 12. Some might argue alcohol abuse is not a big deal but statistics show a different thing. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse 71% of 12th grade students in 2010 have used alcohol. This is more than half of all the 12th graders in 2010 which shows how alcohol is one of the most abused drugs.
Teens use alcohol and other drugs for many reasons, including curiosity, because it feels good, to reduce stress, to feel grown up or to fit in. There are many times when a teen’s drug addiction causes him or her to either do poorly in school or even to drop out. An interview with an anonymous 17 year old tells us what he did to get into drugs and how he is doing in school.
When asked what reasons he had for doing drugs the interviewee answered. “…to have fun and relieve myself from problems.” This is why most teens begin to do drugs and even abuse of them. He explained that he smoked marijuana because “…my friends were teasing me…”
Many say peer pressure is the main reason many do drugs but the truth is we all have the choice to say no but many choose to actually do the drug. Whether it is to fit in or keep the acquaintances, peer pressure does have to do with the teen’s decision to do the drug. The interviewee continued now to the subject of education.
School is something of great importance in order to be successful. When the interviewee was asked whether or not he was still in school, he laughed and answered “I wanted to drop out…but I was sent to options.” Options refers to an alternate school program. As we see in this interview drugs do affect the teenager’s education and can make a big difference in their success. In order for us to lead our teenagers to success we have to provide them with drug-free environments.
Parents can help through early education about drugs, open communication, good role modeling, and early child recognition if problems are developing says the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Warning signs of teenage alcohol and drug abuse may include: physical fatigue, emotional, family, and social problems. An effective way for parents to show care and concern is to openly discuss the possible abuse of alcohol and other drugs with their teenager. Consulting a physician is the best way to find out if the teen is using drugs in order to help the teen get back on track.
Cindy Lopez
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Lack Of Resources
This past summer our school invested a lot of money to improve the environment of Pomona High School. However, when our school started this year, the only improvement we saw were fences around the school. Why is spending money necessary, when we do not have the more crucial resources we need? We need books, pencils, supplies and electronics. By providing resources such as stationary the school will have a better environment to learn which will help improve our California State test results also. The main issue in our society is the lack of resources in our education. The lack of resources in our district has affected every student and their future.
The lack of resources has affected the majority of our teachers by limiting the way they can teach. The teachers can not teach properly with the materials they can not provide. For example, they can not teach without the computer showing the students unlimited of other forms of technology or examples of the material being taught. The teachers now become more frustrated trying to teach a new topic. As reflected in my interview with Mr. Carlos Aguirre, he stated that, “My students do not have the necessary resources and supplies for them to engage in the topic I am teaching. For example, it is very hard for me to explain certain types of topics in Science and in Math without the resources I need. However, if I had those resources, my students would understand the material more efficiently.” This interview made me realize that teachers really need materials to teach!
The students set our future and without the certain types of materials, they can not learn properly. They do not fully understand the material being taught. Many students do not do their work due to them not being focused in school. As I interviewed one of my colleagues last week, Michelle Flores stated that it is very hard to learn when you have to share certain materials in the classroom. She also argued that she has to share certain type of worksheets to even do her home work.
As I researched my topic, I found many statistics that support my claim. This statistic shows that 75% of the students do not learn the material fully being taught by their teacher. Our Pomona Unified School district argued at a news paper article that it has shown a decrease in high school graduation students due to the lack of resources that has caused many students not completing their work and not being able to graduate. The lack of resources has affected all of my colleagues today, and we must do something to change this!
Monday, April 25, 2011
“Aid to the Average”
Society has always glorified the high academic achievers: the Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale, and Princeton goers, but have we ever stilled and settled our thoughts on the “average” people? Don’t think so. Most of the population we work with and meet in Pomona, California have not gone to top tier colleges, or have professional degrees. According to the U.S. Census Bureau American Communities Survey, only sixteen percent of Pomona's adult population have a college degree. However, this does not reflect the individual’s importance in the great scheme of life. The people in Pomona may have amazing talents which are not immediately apparent. They might have astounding expertise when working with children, have great communicative skills, be able to draw an image envisioned, or ace a test without studying or doing work. These people appear to be capable of so much more than an AA or bachelors degree. Why didn’t they choose to go to college? This seemingly average group of students need to have a program, which addresses their personal issues in order to help them achieve academic success.
Isac Ortiz and Endy At |
Some of these people were prevented from going to college for monetary, work, and domestic reasons. For example, Isac Ortiz and Gabriela Hartt, are both high performing individuals who chose not to go to college. Gabriela Hartt, a thirty-nine year old woman, works for the Pomona Unified School District as a Child Development Home Visitor (teacher), and helps educate mothers to care and raise their children properly. Mrs. Hartt not only has to develop a relationship with the child, but also the parent as she aids them in becoming the “primary teacher” for their child. During an interview with Mrs. Hartt, she claimed, “I didn’t want to go to college because I got a job early and felt good about making money as a department store area manager. Having a vehicle and making money stopped me from wanting to go to college after high school. Couple that with parents who did not push me to go to college and you get a tied to home individual.” Isac, a junior at Pomona High School who is classified as gifted, is well known throughout the school for his artistic masterpieces. Isac claimed to hold no interest in attending college, although his older sister did go to college and majored in business and art. He allegedly failed an entire year’s worth of classes, and linked this rough patch of his life to the imprisonment of his dad. During this time he also felt his life was in danger because of the lack of safety within his living environment. Isac asserted his positive outlook towards retaking the classes he had previously failed, and claimed to have found support from his friends and several of the high school staff. However, he was not able to acquire this invaluable personal support until after his time of need.
Are there organizations or programs to help aid this group of the population? According to Claudia Ruelas, an Advanced Placement and College Prep teacher of World History, programs which help average achieving and low performing students in Pomona High School are AVID and APEX. These programs are geared to bringing students to a higher academic level of achievement. We have these programs, but are they really enough? While there are many programs geared for academic aid, there are not as many for the psychological and emotional help, many adolescents need. Providing these basic needs through a specialized program would aid many students thrive in a competitive learning atmosphere, by offering Physiological stability, safety, and belonging which all come before achievement, as stated by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. When asking students their opinion of such a program, a majority claimed they would not attend it because they would not want to have their personal lives dictated over. However, this shows just how much reform needs to be implemented in order to help students by encouraging them to go to college and view school staff as a resource instead of dictators.
-Anne-Marie Hartt
Tagging, a Problem of all
Tagging is a problem in society but more importantly it has become a common occurrence. The fact of the matter is that tagging has developed throughout the school system and society. “It was just something we did, we weren’t hurting anyone, at least that’s what we thought,” said David Martinez now 25-year old law student but self described former criminal. The crime he was guilty of was vandalism, in particular tagging.
Tagging, or as supporters like to call it graffiti art, is common in the schools, buildings, and street alleys of Pomona . The question is why and what is the point? David said it was just something they did but that “just something” is leading to problems. The streets in Pomona have cracks but the city does not have the money to fix those damages. Instead the city has to be constantly paying to fix tagging on alleys and streets. Small businesses or homes that have been tagged have to take money out of their own pockets to fix tagging as well. The financial problem is not only in the city streets and buildings but also within the school system. The school has to pay to get rid of the tagging when the students are in desperate need of better resources for their education. “The school does not have he money to pay for supplies we need such as paper but I see the painters come to fix the tagging on the walls,” said Maricarmen Rendon, a student in Pomona High.
“Every day I walk home and have to see tagging on the walls and on the side walk. To make matters worst I get home to do my homework and open the book to find I can’t see the page because it says SGT2B or LIF,” said Maricarmen of her city and school. She said these words as if she was ashamed, ashamed that she lived in a city where tagging was tolerated and went to school were kids were advocates of vandalism.
David said “There is not much being done partially because it’s too difficult to know who was responsible and also Pomona PD argues there are much worse crimes that need looking into other than vandalism.” But is it not important when tagging is leading to gang fights? How about when teens are being introduced into a life of crime? Yes, it is true that in some cases that may not always be true but, tagging still occurs. Tagging is not always gang related but it is still a crime and it promotes gang violence. When these forms of endorsements appear in unnecessary places like school books, a barrier is created. A barrier in the sense that students are blocked and deprived from learning because of the distraction the tagging creates for both advocates of the vandalism or the observers.
When I asked David what kept him from tagging beyond his teenage years he said “Actually, I got caught and had to go to court.” As emphasized before when addressing gang affiliation with tagging, the same outcomes can not always be expect but, when we as a community have it in our power to prevent some crime even if it seems as insignificant as tagging, should we not take the opportunity? David said “When I was caught around that time of my teenage year’s vandalism, was seen as a more serious issue because of the gang affiliation so they put me into classes to learn of the negative effects, that is partially why it has reduced so much but that does not mean it is not a problem anymore.” When given attention, tagging has shown it can decrease as it did about 25% in Pomona but despite the decrease it is still frequently seen. As insignificant as it may seem to some by the inference of law enforcement and the creation of programs that keep teens from having a reason to tag there can be reduction in vandalism. The first step is to accept that tagging is a problem and only then can we unite a community, fix streets, and give students the concentration and resources they need. Tagging although a problem that has been reduced it still exists in Pomona schools, buildings, and streets and it is important to know of its presence in Pomona in order to stop it.
By: Abigail Cuevas
Budget Cuts in Recreation Community Centers
In 2010, 50 staff members were laid off out of the 100 that worked for the City of Pomona at the Recreation Sites. Budget cuts should not affect the youth and teens of the City of Pomona Community centers. Budget cuts are never a positive thing. There would be no programs to participate in.
Budget cuts affect staff members more than youth and teens of the Community centers because the staff members lose their jobs from the many layoffs. However, budget cuts negatively affect youth and teens as well. Without the staff, there would not be any assistance with the programs and events that the local youth and teens take part in. From the lack of money and participants, to create new programs, and get the motivation and guidance they need either through job applications, resumes, or even college admission packets to have a successful future to seeking into a 4 year university, then majoring in Business Management. I am actually a member of the La Casita Community center and participate in its Team Building workshops, programs, and fun activities. In fact I have been there for about 5 years. I have seen a change in everything we use to do. We no longer are able to attend field trips to historical sites like Palomares Adobe Park or museums such as the Hollywood Wax museum . Also we are no longer able to participate in recreation team building activities such as Money Management or practice leadership skills by teaching an etiquette class to small children. Without these programs youth and teens are more likely to be out in the streets breaking the law and committing crimes. In addition they are more vulnerable to becoming affiliated with gangs.
Instead of being out in the streets committing crimes teens could be learning how to succeed through programs such as the Teen Value Council, Education Preparation, and Road to Knowledge. From these programs youth and teens received the guidance they needed to succeed in society. Through the games and fun, it gave the youth and teens the opportunity to understand how to reach their dreams more effectively. These programs provided the opportunity for participants to express leadership amongst each other and goodwill towards one another. They brought teens together to help each other with homework and volunteer work. Most importantly during these program sessions students could open up to staff and peers about problems they may have had and just be themselves while not being at home. Without these programs many teens are not getting these opportunities.
I know the mayor has to implement these terrible budget cuts, but he should have come to the center in order to see what benefits the programs of the City of Pomona offered. Instead he only had a tiny glimpse of minor things we did, such as the City of Pomona Beautification project, Holiday at the Plaza Christmas and Pomona fair parade, and City of Pomona Recognition . The mayor needs to understand the pains, struggles and hardships students including myself could face for not having enough assistance, guidance, leadership and other great opportunities provided by the Community center. He should also understand the hardships faced by Community center employees. I remember one instance when Anita, one of the staff members, was laid off. When Anita was laid off, they hired a new employee to put in her position and Anita then went to work at the Palomares Senior center. However, they told the staff member to also work at the senior center, forcing Anita to be laid off again. It is important to realize how much responsibility one Community center employee has. I remember one time Anita told me, “When I am gone I am going to leave the center up to you because I was the one everyone trusted and depended on, and to keep everyone in control and to keep encouraging them to come back and to continue to recruit new members to the center.” I doubt that one employee can fulfill these responsibilities while also working at the Senior center.
From 2010 until now many things have changed at the Community Center. Many staff members are being switched back and forth from position to position. Many of the programs were cut because of the lack of money. The programs where we were allowed to go to the beach and help the little children with after school tutoring at Yorba and San Jose Elementary Schools were cut. Now this year we only went to the beach once or twice, to the bank and other places. Sooner or later the center may be closed down because the economy is in a downfall, and I just hate for it to be like this.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
How Violent Graffiti Could Turn Out to Be
What do you feel when you see graffiti tagging on your wall or on a school building? It looks bad, right? “Well, we have to start cleaning up the act of graffiti taggers,” stated Rolando Blanco, a 45-year-old man who lives in the worst area of Pomona, where all the tagging takes place. “It is our responsibility to start programs to help teenagers against tagging and against gangs,” he added. In our community, we now face graffiti (the territorial markings of gangs) and its deeper meaning, but now it is time to work toward the ending of graffiti.
Graffiti looks ugly on the surface, but it also has a deeper meaning which is even uglier. This deeper meaning is violence. Graffiti is the marking of gangs. When a gang wants to gain more territory they tag more ground, but when they go into another territory, the violence erupts. The gangs enter into actual war for the territory they want and heartless; they kill the innocent and their adversaries. Plus, now more and more gangs are expanding into newer territories, and our neighborhoods are not safe anymore.
As graffiti continues to expand, we now face it in our own community. In a news article from The Los Angeles Times, it states how a man, trying to stand up to a gang member, was shot for standing up for what he believed in. Two weeks after the incident, the same tagger was back and tagging more and more on the streets of Los Angeles. This also happens in the suburbs of Los Angeles, in our own community, Pomona. I went out to the community of Pomona to ask a few questions to the public about graffiti. A man named Edgar Bautista, 29-year-old man that works at Cardenas stated, “graffiti makes our community look bad and it starts violence among gangs.” This man described the ugly sight of graffiti, how it starts violence and shootings.
Gangs mark their territory with graffiti. The gangs are like dogs, they mark their territory wherever they want, and that causes many problems. Now, we need to work toward reclaiming what was ours, our streets, our parks, our community in general.
Graffiti looks horrible in our streets and in our community. It also has a deeper meaning on the inside, and that meaning could kill any innocent person. If a person stands up to a tagger or a gang member, they could get shot just like the man in the news article. This graffiti problem does not only occur in Los Angeles, now the suburbs of L.A. are suffering with the same problem. Let us start building programs to reunite our community and also to get rid of gangs and taggers.
Are Students Being Provided with the Resources Needed for their Academic Studies?
On January 8, 2002 President Bush passed the No Child Left Behind Act to improve students progress, provide full benefits, and improve teacher qualifications. To improve student progress, schools are required to provide free tutoring and all the benefits needed to enhance their education. It also requires teachers to be highly qualified for the subject they are going to be teaching. Title 1 schools, include a great percentage of disadvantaged students which is the main focus on the No Child Left Behind Act, to try to improve their education.
The article “No Child Left Behind” in the Education Week states, “Federal officials have pointed to increase in Title 1 spending and new money to pay for testing as evidence of the government’s financial commitment to the law.” This Act requires schools to provide all the resources the students need to keep up their grades in school. The article also states schools are required to provide the best education possible, which means teachers are required to be highly recommended with their teaching abilities. If these requirements are not met, students are given the choice to switch to another school or private tutoring. This is a big help to some students, but many schools do not provide the resources kids need to do homework or get ahead in class work. For example, in my school there is a limit on how much paper anyone can use in one day. School officials say it is because of the lack of resources. According to the Act our is school is currently failing to meet the requirements students need in order to keep up with their educational progress.
The No Child Left Behind Act targets kids who come from families with low income and are unable to maintain their grades on point. During my interview with a local student Joseline Hernandez, I realized why some students have poor grades and have just given up in school. My question was “What do you do when you cannot get the resources you need for your academics?” She answered “Well, when I can’t get the resources I need I just don’t do the work or I go out looking for other resources but I prefer for the school to give me the resources.” The interview helped me come up with a hypothesis; students who do not have resources provided to them decide to give up and not to try in school. The lack of resources provides them with a low self-esteem about being able to complete and keep up with assignments on a daily basis.
The article “What the No Child Left Behind Laws Means for Your Child” the Great School Staff states, “your child and your school may not receive the full benefits if you don’t ask for them.” This statement claims many students are lacking resources because of the lack of parental involvement. In these title 1 schools there is a small percentage of parents who are willing to take time off their daily life in order to take a look at their children’s educational environment. It seems to me parents have the power to change what they do not like about the school, they just need to pay a little more attention towards the way the school cooperates with the students. Our school could be so much different if parents fought for the rights their children need. For example, other schools including Diamond Ranch or Claremont High School have a large percentage of parental involvement which can be a reason why those schools are successful in having more kids who are very much involved in their education.
Beatrice Estrada
Why are CP students different from AP students?
CP students are denied opportunities! The difference between the aspirations of AP and CP students is immense from their study habits to their work loads. This is not to say AP students are not smarter or better than the CP students; the difference is one’s knowledge and information regarding college that students have gathered throughout high school. The AP students are encouraged by their teachers and counselors to take the most fastidious classes to obtain acceptable grades (As or Bs) ensuring them the possibilities in attending the college of their dreams. The CP student, are not encourage to think about college and, because of this many do not goto college. If all students were granted the same classes and opportunities of changing the way they think college the high school graduation rate would increase as well the number of students going to colleges from Pomona High.
When interviewing Abigail Cuevas, an AP student she claim she plans to attend college so she can double major in criminology. She plans on doing this by taking AP courses to demonstrate to the colleges she is up to the challenge. Cuevas continues by stating that it is not her family, counselors, or teachers that it is mostly self determination. She states “I have to do it for myself, I am not worrying about finishing high school, I worry about my future college education.” There is a much greater focus on the AP and failing students, but not to students in between this range. In a survey I and my colleague executed on CP and AP classes. For example, one particular AP student said she wanted to study Spanish Literature, while a [particular Cp student talked of graduating from high school. We also saw a big gap in the GPAs, while the AP students having significantly higher GPAs.
Elsie Torres a CP student says she would like to go to college; and when I asked her how she is planning to get there she responded by saying, “[What}I’m trying to do is get all my work done that’s [all]I’m trying to do right now.” You can see the big different between the two students Abigail has already planned on getting through high school and thought of her future degree, while Elsie is just trying to finish high school and not thinking about taking any rigorous classes. Some would say that CP students do not care about school therefore funds should go to the higher achieving students. It seems that CP students do not know what is out there; they have no chances to explore their interests, and don’t feel challenged or interested by the classes provided. For example The New York Times article“What You Do vs. Where You Go,” shows that when students have assignments related to and talk about college, they are more motivated to go to college. The findings of this assignment ensure us that the students are motivated and have the ambition and desire to learn which has a stronger effect that just an academic class would have. If more high schools did this type of assignment, this would increase the number of students who want to go to college. CP students are not the problem; they are just not given opportunities. A CP student desires to go to party while an AP student desires to stay home to finish their homework.
CP students are no different than AP students; their focus is blurred by the distractions of the Modern World. We should give them the important tools to enable to achieve like: programs, classes, mentors, and the basic information and encoragemnt of college. CP students do care about college but are not pushed like the AP students. If we keep them in the dark they will never shine. Everyone should have the same information that promotes college, and be given the same opportunities to explore and in the end to be successful.
Bertha Rodriguez
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Bullying can be verbal, physical, and emotional. There are different reasons why someone chooses to practice such hatred; they range from family issues, to wanting to fit in at school, or just to have power. Unfortunately, these actions cause someone else to have psychological problems or even consider suicide.
Bullying someone physically causes them pain even though they may try their best to hide their suffering. Often, the most painful bullying occurs when large groups form; bullies, followers, supporters, onlookers, those who want to defend the person but do not want to get involved. Eventually, someone must stop the fight. Yet, there is also emotional bullying; when someone criticizes another for the way they look or who they are. Emotionally bullied people may endure psychological problems and they do not trust new people that they are introduced to. They still count on the friends that have been there even before it has begun. This also brings feelings of loneliness and they believe no one is doing anything about the harassment.
At a young age, children are judged for various reasons such as race, religion, gender, sexuality, or disabilities. Bullying also begins with problems at home where parents do not pay attention to the child especially if they are going through a divorce and the child does not understand how to cope with this uncertainty. Bullies also feel alone and they wish for others to be as miserable as they are. Some who have been bullied eventually do become bullies themselves due to the anger, loneliness, or vulnerability that grows inside them.
Suicide occurs when no one understands or does anything to stop the harassment. Even after seeing a therapist after the bullying is over; there is a chance the child would not be able to recuperate and begin a normal life afterwards. Those may be the ones who become the bullies. But how does one really surpass the judgment in their life and then contribute back to life, which never gave mercy?
We should pay more attention to this matter and take action. Children everywhere are suffering and most adult figures are turning their heads due to not having experience with the situation to make it a main issue or concern. All these children, at most, should try to understand that they are not alone; we have all been through the bullying at a young age or as we got older, and now we are here standing taller and stronger than ever. If we can make it, anyone can and they will not have to be alone.
In a recent interview with a teacher here at Pomona High School, who would like to remain anonymous, gave us an answer to the question, “How do you think a bully victim feels and progresses with the situation?” His response was, “I think that at first the person/student bullied feels a bit confused and insecure for not being able to handle the situation.” Yet, he returns to how a bully would feel after an intervention and states, “But overtime they realize that it was for the best that they recover.”
Though this type of question is hard to answer; here is a story of a woman by the name of Vienna Blum, who was bullied at a young age and later developed to silence herself and also benefited from the situation. Blum described herself as a “front-of-the-class nerd” just in the fourth grade when she began to be bullied by a couple of boys. It started off as teasing yet, one day, one of the boys held a broomstick to her neck and Blum was paralyzed with fear. Blum’s parents reported the abuse, but the teacher proclaimed the boys had crushes on her and her friends.
The bullying ended that year and Blum felt it to be more appropriate if she made friends with everyone and did not let anyone have an excuse to single her out; though, after college she worked in human resources and her silent voice gave her a disadvantage when making decisions. As a result, her contract was not renewed. Also her relationships did not correlate. Blum was not speaking up on how she really felt due to the fear of being criticized and dumped. Blum then realized she needed to change; she then got into event planning to have to make decisions without doubt and also she began to assert herself much more in her relationships.
These tactics did impact her life positively, and as a result she is assertive, happy, and does not fear conflict by the help of her boyfriend Adam, who she was dating for a year, and to whom Blum told her story to; he understood and helped her with making decisions starting with partner decisions.
This is one good outcome of being bullied yet; this would not be the only way. There are several ways someone can progress from being bullied but they all affect their future. To make the situation simpler, we must end this harassment sooner and help others progress and make life, their life.
Written By: Adriana Salcido
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Promoting College In the Classroom
In school teachers should do a better job of motivating their students to attend college and stress the importance of it. To do so, they should incorporate more college prep activities into their lessons and provide after school programs. When interviewing a non-AVID student I realized the student is not very informed about college and the preparations. When I asked if they had any teachers who talked about college to their students the student claimed only two of her six teachers promote college. I was surprised to hear this it is clear that we need more teachers who talk to their students about college and motivate students to want to attend college. As I continued to talk with the student I realized that the student wants to learn about college and is not getting much support from teachers.
Introducing middle and high school students to the college planning process through after school programs has several benefits. The after school environment is more informal, and this interactive setting can get youth more engaged and motivated. The staff should include well-trained college students who use their own college experiences to serve as mentors and encourage youth to plan for college. Small-student ratios can ensure that participants also develop strong relationships with adult instructors. The after school environment can also be more inviting and accessible to parents, which helps connect families to the college planning process. The It's Never Too Early article claims that after school is an effective venue for supporting and encouraging youth on the path to college .
An example of this type of program is TASC (the After School Corporation) is dedicated to giving all kids opportunities to grow through after school and summer programs that support and educates and inspires them. TASC’s vision is that kids from all backgrounds will have access to the range of high quality activities beyond the school day that every family wants for their children. The experiences support their intellectual, creative and healthy development and help them to be their best, in and out of school.
College prep activities can also lead to stronger relationships between the after school program and school administrators and teachers. The activities that the after school and day school programs share at least one common goal: student’s college enrollment and attendance. The different college prep activities help students learn more about the different opportunities they have. It helps them to realize their full potential and have people encouraged them to go to college and achieve their different goals they have. AVID (Advanced Via Individual Determination) is postsecondary college readiness systems that sometimes starts in elementary it is designed to increase school wide learning and performance. The AVID system accelerates students learning, uses research base d methods of effective instruction, and provides meaningful and motivational development. Other examples of these types of programs are: Bright Prospect, Upward Bound.
In our schools we should have programs and teachers that can motivate us and answer our questions about college. Teachers should do a better job in motivating students to make a better life for themselves and encourage them to seek higher education. Students should be able to get information in their schools with programs such as AVID, TASC ,Upward Bound, and Bright Prospects ,Can have a positive attitude about college and have the information needed to be prepares.
-Ana Coreas
Budget Cuts in Community Centers
Do you believe the Budget Cuts are affecting the youth and
teens of the City of Pomona Community centers?
In 2010, 50 staff members were laid off out of the 100 that worked for the City of Pomona at the Community centers. Budget cuts are never a positive thing. Budget cuts should not affect the youth and teens of the City of Pomona Community centers, but they do, and they also negatively affect staff.
Budget cuts affect staff members more than the youth and teens because staff members lose their jobs from the many layoffs. Without the staff then there would not be any assistance with programs and events the youth and teens take part in for the City of Pomona . From the lack of money and participants to create new programs, students do not get the motivation and guidance they need either through job applications, resumes, or even college admission packets to have a successful future for their interest into a 4 year university. I am actually a member of the La Casita Community center and participate in its Team Building workshops, programs, and fun activities and in fact I have been there for about five years. I have seen a change in everything we used to do. We are no longer able to attend field trips to historical sites like Palomares Adobe Park , museums such as the Hollywood Wax museum . We are also not able to participate in recreation team building activities such as Money Management or practice leadership skills by teaching etiquette classes to little children. Now youth and teens are more likely to be out in the streets and affiliated with gangs.
The Community center offered programs such as the Teen Value Council, Education Preparation, and Road to knowledge so youth and teens could get the guidance needed to succeed in society. Through the games and fun, it gave the youth and teens the opportunity to understand things better so that they could be able to reach their dreams more effectively. These programs taught leadership amongst each other and brought one another together to help each other with homework and volunteer work. During these programs students had the opportunity to talk about problems they may have had or one another’s life situations, and just be themselves for the few hours being there while not at home. The youth and teens are not getting the guidance that these programs offer.
I know the mayor has to do these terrible budget cuts but he should have come to the center and see what other types of things we do not just the minor things he saw such as the City of Pomona Beautification project, Holiday at the Plaza Christmas and Pomona fair parade, and City of Pomona Recognition. The mayor needs to understand the pains, struggles and hardships we face from not being able to get enough assistance, guidance, leadership development, and other great opportunities these programs offer. He also needs to see the stress on the staff members. I remember one instance when Anita one of the staff members, was laid off. The thing I found was wrong was when Anita was laid off, they hired a new staff to put in her position and Anita then went to work at the Palomares Senior center and they also told the staff member to work at the senior center as well and they laid Anita off again. One staff member cannot fulfill the responsibilities of working at the Community center and the senior center. I remember Anita told me over and over, “When I am gone I am going to leave the center up to you because I was the one everyone trusted and depended on, and to keep everyone in control and to keep encouraging them to come back and to continue to recruit new members to come to the center.”
From 2010 to now many things have changed at the Community Center. Many staff members are being switched back and forth from position to position. Many of the programs are being cut because of the lack of money. The programs where we were allowed to go to the beach and help the little children with after school tutoring at Yorba and San Jose Elementary Schools were cut. Unlike last year, we were able to go to the beach, Angels and Dodger’ games, Brunswick bowling, rock climbing, have spring and summer dances, and even put on a Romeo & Juliet play for the little children. Now this year we only went to the beach once, to the bank, and other places. Sooner or later the center may be closed down because the economy is in a downfall, and I just hate for it to be like this.
The Daily Balance
Don’t you want to have fun and be on top of your academic career in high school? Colleges and universities do want a well-rounded student for their campuses. Teachers should consider extending due dates or giving less homework. Ordinary students want to be successful in their academics and show their personality or passion for hobbies. Mr. Avila, my pre-calculus teacher, has a system which allows students to be involved in both academics and their outside hobbies. You are getting ready to go to a four-year college, and you need to start managing your time so you can get stuff done and maintain the other activities you may have outside class.
Being involved in extracurricular activities leads to a well-rounded student. Students have hobbies, for example, band, dance, football, tennis, volleyball, softball, or clubs such as math club, anime club, art club and others. The activities take time for the student who wants to be dedicated to their activities they enjoy. For example, dance takes practice to get a routine the right way. Also, band takes practice at least two times a week for at least 2-3 hours during the school since band has field shows, concert, school performances, and festivals. Having a strategy like Mr. Avila in which he gives homework on Monday which is due on Wednesday and homework on Wednesday which is due on Friday. This benefits the students since they can try doing the homework and develop questions or improvement in writing by spending more time with the homework.
Community service also shows character of a student. A student can either go help at a retirement home, volunteer in an event, or help out a local charity event. At the end of the school day, students have multiple assignments from their classes, and then they wish to do community service or they have to go to a club meeting. What do they do now? Stay up all night? They need the hours of sleep so they can cooperate throughout the week. A situation similar to volunteering at an event can be possible with extended due dates or less homework. The student will gain work or volunteering experience, complete their homework on time, and do a better job on it.
The honor classes and AP classes students take lead them to a more strong college application. By taking the classes you can be more prepared for college. Extended due dates for homework for students who decide to take honor and AP classes can lead them to managing their time by making a calendar of assignments and leaving procrastination behind. This prepares them for the future. Each of the classes a student decides to take, from AP courses, like AP calculus, biology, chemistry, physics, Spanish or English, give a certain assignment and expect it to be done the next day. Many teachers have a specific system they follow and they are strict on their expectations.
If a student takes time to do a little the first day, for example, English, a draft the first day and go over it again, it can be more helpful and beneficial to the student. In the end, you have a better outcome. For example, Mr. Avila has noticed students turn in their homework more frequently, and he states it gives them time to develop any questions.
For example, in English class most of the time, students lie or make up ideas in their essay or analysis because they want to get it in before the short deadline. They get hideous grades because they do not have enough time to complete it correctly.
Michelle Flores, a Pomona High School student has an opinion on the topic to extend the deadline of homework. She states, “There are students that are gong to take advantage of it and others will still do it at the last minute.” Flores also states it can help students, “in taking their time on writing papers and gathering out thoughts to write an analysis or an essay and rewrite,” and for history students, “can go back and reread the chapter and so the student can understand the material well and the teachers can be fair and give a test.”
By performing a system similar to Mr. Avila, teachers can get better results on the AP exams or any other final. Students will have the time to get their writing done correctly with more revision, understand the material well, develop questions, and have time to do extracurricular activities. This will have longer effects in the students’ near future. They have to learn to manage their time which will be expected in college with classes, bills, part-time jobs, and career meetings.
-Zenia Gante
High School Dropouts
CMC Report
April 23, 2011
As if not bad enough that the country is in the middle of the biggest economic slump since the Great Depression, there is a new crisis arising in the United States . An alarming rate of high school students are dropping out. Currently only half, that’s 50% of students, are graduating from high schools in major cities. This increase in our nation’s dropout rate would only mean an increase of young adults who aren’t prepared not to mention fit for a job which minimum requirement is a high school diploma. In 2002, George W. Bush’s Administration passed the No Child Left Behind Act. It failed, not addressing the issues communities faces as more students continue to walk away from their educational pathways.
The dropout rate is increasing exponentially in this country and we need to put a stop to it. From gathered sources the main reasons why teens drop out of high school are: personal family circumstances, like family financial status, teens that fall so behind they give up on their education because of prior negligence, teen age pregnancy and lack of interest, and or motivation. Across the nation communities are being negatively impacted by the growth of these numbers coming from a person who sees it everyday.
In a recent interview conducted with Mr. Avila, a mathematics teacher at Pomona High School said “Its (high school dropout) a vicious cycle that is hard to break. Then poverty, crime, these things do not reflect well on the community. I think by helping the community as a whole, dropout rates would decrease.” The No Child Left Behind Act failed to address some of the needs communities face, as students continue to drop out of high school. This act should be administered through more of a state or local based level, maybe look into the differences of varying areas. State and local communities suffer when they have lass educated populances, and these entities would spend more on educational programs.
As a high school student myself, I see the impact of high school dropouts have on our community. As time passes, there are more and more unoccupied desks in our classroom or as you move in advance curriculum. How cans the district let this happen, these teens need to stay in school! It hurts me to see every year my class size becomes smaller. Students need motivation from parents, teachers, and counselors, and only then will they value the true meaning of an education. These children will be our future, whether we like it or not, they are the next workforce of America and we must prepare them to do just that.
Teenage Mothers: Education at a loss
Teenage pregnancy is a struggle many people have to confront whether it is in their family or in their school. Having to face the reality of teenagers not using protection when having sexual intercourse, can be a true eye opener to others. Parents and teachers need to be the main educators for teenage girls and boys about the practice of safe sex and the consequences of not using protection, but teenage pregnancy has grown in the schools lacking sex education classes. By not providing these means of education to girls, as well as boys, commit the same mistake by not using protection.
I, myself, have seen this in my own family on my mothers’ side. My cousin, who is now 23, has two children of her own-one of which she gave birth to when she was seventeen. Her strict family was disappointed in her and felt remorse towards having the child. As she grew, they gave her financial as well as emotional help to make sure she and her son were taken care of. While interviewing her, she had to reflect on how her life was like by not completing high school or entering college. As she thought of these things, she was content for the fact that she now has a loving family that accepts her and forgives her for her past mistakes.
Many young teenage girls might have gone through what my cousin had to face in order for them to be forgiven by their family and accepted for what they have done. Although my cousin did not go to college because of her son, many young women do get back on their feet and finish their education with the help of their family or with the help of the government. Those who do not attend college or even finish high school do not get their full education meaning they have less of an opportunity to get a better career. Teenage mothers are often pressured to leave their education and care for their child which in return makes the mother seek out help by herself.
In the point of view from the mother of the teenager, their emotions are quite different. Interviewing my cousins’ mother, she had mixed feelings towards her daughter having a child at such a young age. She felt upset that her daughter had unprotected sex but was relieved she did not abort him. This is typical with the mothers of teenage women where they feel upset and anger towards their daughter dropping out of high school and having unprotected sex. Mothers agree it is because of the lack of sexual educational classes they offer to them. If they were to be more educated about using protection, then there would be a less chance of tem to drop out of high school.
To the teenage mothers who do stay even though they have a child, it is possible for them to get a higher education and reach their goals. There are schools which can help them finish their education not many mothers know about because of the lack of resources. Schools such as Silver Springs High School, here in California, is an alternative high school for pregnant and parenting teens, the aesthetic is the same as a typical high school but has others who share the same experience of being or becoming a mother. It allows them to finish high school with full credit and go on into college for further education. Schools like this help the drop out rate stay low while giving them a chance to enter a college. It also encourages them to stay on task and finish high school even though they have a child.
Stephanie Cortes
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