Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Importance of Student Teacher Relationships, By Michelle Flores

            “This is your opportunity to make up any work you have been missing or gain some extra credit points! See me after class to get the extra credit assignment or stay for after school tutoring as well, and get even more extra credit.” Unfortunately, this is one of the few things that catch student’s attention in class. Students are bored by the unoriginal lessons and excited by only extra credit rather than by what they are learning. Although the students may see the lessons as boring, they still need to take advantage of the opportunities their teachers are offering and put in as much effort. Teachers, as well as the students, need to work hand in hand to improve the success of a student in the classroom. Establishing a positive student-teacher relationship is crucial in helping the student become successful with the material being taught.
            A way to build a better student-teacher relationship in the classroom would be for the teacher to take action in building it. The students spend a lot of time with their teachers, “…approximately 5 to 7 hours a day,” says Michelle Pais. The more active the teacher is with the class, the more the students will enjoy the subject. “The more active the teacher, the more responsive the class it; it creates a fun learning environment to which the students look forward to attend,” stated by one of Pomona High School’s students, Alberto Guadarrama. Teachers put themselves in a better position for establishing positive relationships if they engage their students in fun lessons rather than simply giving them worksheets to copy off of. For example, if the students are watching movies all the time, they feel as though what they are supposed to be learning is not important. They are not motivated to pay attention in class and do not expect to learn anything. Students feel like the teacher does not care; therefore they do not care either.
            Obviously, the teacher cannot do all the work; the students must put in some work as well. The students must be respectful to the teacher, in order to get the same thing back from the teacher. The students need to be willing to compromise with the teacher as well by paying attention to the lesson being taught. They should also be aware and appreciate that their teacher gets up every morning to teach them things that they will help them for the future. “If the students are not willing to sit in class and learn the material, then there is nothing we the teacher may do. All we can do is supply them with the lesson, and offer the extra help whenever the student needs it,” stated a math teacher from Pomona High. For example, a science teacher at Pomona High offers extra credit during the week, yet students do not take advantage of it. The teacher then feels as though the students do not care about improving in the material, so they are not motivated to help the students.
            The teacher and student must work together in order to help the student succeed. The teacher must provide an interactive lesson that the students enjoy and have fun while they are learning. Also, the students must be prepared and respectful of their teachers. In the classroom, the student and teacher should have a mutual relationship. The common assumption is that only the teachers are giving and the students are gaining the information, when in reality the teacher is gaining from the student as well.

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